
It's Monday! What are you reading? From Picture Books to YA

I must admit that Week 16 of It's Monday! What are you reading? was greatly disrupted by evil, evil cable television. As I mentioned last week, I was on vacation and I could not resist the call of cable, bed, and air conditioning. Normally, I don't have cable or air conditioning, which leaves me with a bed, the perfect place to read in a quiet environment. But the addition of the two other elements totally threw me off and I pretty much read nothing except magazines. What you see below are the results of my paltry reading after getting home on Friday evening.

I'd like to say that I'll do better this week but, wouldn't ya know, work starts up tomorrow. I can't help but be a bit pessimistic about my reading prospects from here on out. I imagine I'll continue to read picture books at a decent pace for work reasons, but I probably won't be completing chapter books as quickly as I did at the beginning of the summer.

But I can't get too discouraged ... my goal this year is to read 365 books and I've already read 315 books (according to Goodreads I'm 21% ahead of schedule). As long as I keep chugging along I'll accomplish my goal of reading a book a day.


Pepi Sings a New Song by Laura Ljungkvist

How Did That Get In My Lunchbox? The Story of Food by Chris Butterworth

When Harriet Met Sojourner by Catherine Clinton

The Templeton Twins Have an Idea by Ellis Weiner


The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann

Dear Miss Breed: True Stories of the Japanese American Incarceration During World War II and a Librarian Who Made a Difference by Joanne Oppenheim


The Ogre of Oglefort by Eva Ibbotson

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